Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bush as Saddam

Sunday, September, 23, 2007

A Canadian magazine named MacLean's magazine latest issue's cover has a picture of President Bush as Saddam Hussein has created a lot of controversy in the United States. Patrick Graham came up with the idea and created the picture. Although there is lots of controversy there are about 10,000 American subscribers to the magazine and not one of them have complained about this article or picture. Graham quotes "What I realized after I got there (the second time) was that the Americans had really switched sides and that they were carrying out the old Baathist strategy in Iraq and that's one of the reasons why the insurgents and a lot of Sunni Iraqis had switched sides." Graham also stated that, "They basically created a home grown insurgency in Anbar, which they've now won over, and now they're not admitting to themselves what they're doing -- which is taking up where Saddam left off."
I think that the picture might be a little extreme, but I also believe that people have the right to say and express what they feel. I think that there is nothing wrong with this article or picture and people should be allowed to say what they want.

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