Friday, October 26, 2007

Putin Warns of New Missle Crisis

Friday, October, 26 2007.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that the US plans for a missile shield which he thinks will cause another situation similar to the 1960's Cuban Missile crisis. "Russia is opposed to the US building missile bases in countries that were once in the Soviet Union." Says Putin.

The 1960's missile crisis brought the United States and the Soviet Union almost to a nuclear war and Putin like most other people do not want this to happen. Putin says that the crisis now is similar to the 1960's because the Soviet Union started building missile bases in Cuba within distance of the United States. Now the United States has bases within striking distance of Russia. Things will not escalate any further says Putin because the United States and Russia are on good terms. Unlike back in the 1960's.

I think that Russia should not worry about the missile bases popping up in Europe. Seeing as the US are allies with Russia there would be no gain in attacking Russia and if they did, it would start a World War. I also think though that the United States do not need so many missile bases in Europe. First of all the United States already have enough defenses but now with the growth of more bases it will create more problems because countries near the bases could start to worry about their own defense.

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