Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A City of Unmatched Diversity

According to a new study just less than half the population in Toronto was foreign born. This was from the 2006 census. This makes Toronto more diversified then Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City. It is not just Toronto that is diversified but also towns like Aurora, Markham, Mississauga have increased in the number of immigrants.

56.5% of the population in Markham is foreign born and the population of foreign born in Richmondhill has increased by about 51%. 49.97% of the population in the city of Toronto is foreign born. Because of the vast number of immigrants and other people moving into the city affordable housing has become hard to find.

In 2001 12,000 immigrants chose to move to the Peel region as their first place to live. By 2003 that number had reached 30,000 immigrants. Some people are worried about services and they think that the services might not be able to keep up with the growing number of immigrants.

Economist Armine Yalnizyan stated "Toronto is the most diverse city on the face of this planet. If we cannot make it work in Toronto, where can we make it work?"

I agree with Armine. I live close enough to Toronto and every time I am there I will see many different colors of people when I walking down the street. At different times there will be different multicultural events such as the Taste of the Danforth and the Chinese Dragon festival. Also there are restaurants of all types such as Chinese, Indian, Russian, Mexican, and many more different types. If diversity did not work in Toronto then I do not think it could work anywhere else. Seeing as diversity does work very well in Toronto I think soon enough many other places could become like Toronto.

I also think that it is good that people are moving more into the suburbs now instead of first moving to the city. It adds more diversity to places outside of Toronto and most people living in the suburbs get to know there neighbors. If there neighbors are from another country people will be able to learn other peoples customs making everyone more tolerant of each other. It is a good thing growing up in such diversity because people learn to be more tolerant of other peoples customs, nationalities, and traditions.

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