Monday, December 10, 2007

Illicit Grow-op Leaks Into Outremont Daycare

Monday, December 10, 2007 | 2:50 PM ET

On Monday (today) a Montreal daycare was closed because flooding caused by marijuana growing operation the floor above.

The daycare was forced to close on the weekend because of the leaking that came from the room above. Further investigation discovered that there was an illegal marijuana growing operation. The room was crammed with more then 1,500 fully grown marijuana plants.

Employees working at the daycare said they had no idea that their neighbors above them were doing anything like this. They said they could not detect a smell which usually would come from these plants.

Firefighters discovered these plants when investigating the leak. The plants are now being brought into the police lab.

I personally think that this situation has a little humor. Sure it is not a good thing that the daycare was forced to close but I think that it is a good thing that the plants were found. The humor I see is that probably if the leak had not occurred and the flooding had not taken place then I am sure that the plants would never have been found or would not have been found for a while. This people did not have luck on their side seeing as since one of their pipes broke the daycare below them started flooding. None the less it is a good thing that so much marijuana can be taken off the street.

Files from the Canadian Press.


agoyo said...
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agoyo said...

Wow you would never no if something bad is happening, right next door or above you. It is great that there pipes leaked and the marijuana was found because with 1,500 fully grown plants on the streets there would be a major problem. You would never think that someone would do this right above the daycare where children are, although it was a great place to grow plants because no one would ever suspected it.

Unknown said...

"1,500 fully grown plants on the streets there would be a major problem."

Like what? People might get hungry? The only major problem is that government agencies brainwash people like this into believing all the negative hype about marijuana. People need to get their facts straight and realize that the only problem is the so called "war on drugs" and the drug enforcement agency listing marijuana with other schedule 1 narcotics. The only people that believe all this anti marijuana propaganda are predominantly the people who have never even tried using marijuana. Worse yet, they probably get intoxicated on alcohol and/or smoke tobacco and think they are doing "the right thing" to their bodies. Educate yourself and we might just get the change we need in this country (and others) much sooner. There is a much larger issue at hand here than just marijuana being used to get "high". It has become a moral issue, an economic issue, a medical issue, as well as a renewable resources issue. People need real, natural medicine that actually works instead of all these fly by night miracle drugs that the FDA just hastily approves for the sole purpose of putting money in the wrong peoples pockets. Someday when you or one of your loved ones is suffering from cancer chemotherapy treatments and actually needs a naturally occurring alternative medicine, you might...just might understand that. Marijuana is not bad. There is nothing bad about it. You can't overdose on it. Some people with serious medical issues can't live without it. The world we are destroying could be saved if we were allowed to utilize it in agriculture and the thousands of industries that could prosper because of it. And we could save our economy if people actually had freedom of choice and the government would legalize it again and tax it. Now tell me something (factual, of course) that I don't already know.