Monday, September 24, 2007

$100 Laptops

An organization has launched a give one get one plan that allows American citizens to buy to laptops at about $399. One laptop will go to the buyer and the other laptop will go to a child in a developing country. The scheme is known as G1G1 and will be available to buy on November 12. The computers are as low cost, durable and simple to use as possible. The computers screens can be seen outside with no light glare. The computer is waterproof, and can be charged by solar power, foot pump, or even pull string powered chargers. This laptop was specifically designed so that it could be used in developing countries for under privileged children. The first countries that will take part in this is Cambodia, Rwanda, Afghanistan and Haiti. The laptops will only be put out on sale for about two weeks, but the people in charge of the scheme hope to have these laptops for sale in the public by next year.
I think that this is a good thing because there are many places in the world that children have a lack of education. If children get access to these computers it will help them become more educated and maybe help them to become something and make an income that could support them when they are older. They also get more opportunities that we have giving them a fair chance to make it somewhere in life.

September 24, 2007


Craig said...

I agree with Devin's opinioin on this article. I agree that it is a great idea to give laptops to children in school, so they can get an education, like we do in Canada. I also think that it is a great idea that if us consumers in Canada, buy a laptop for $399, that some of the money which we may for bascially go to charity use. But instead of giving money to develop thier community, the children get a durable laptop which is useful to them because it is solar powered.

Hyeong Min Lee said...

I think this is very useful, and wise to make 100 dallar laptops for developing countries, or developed countries. 100 dallar will provide oppertunities for poor children to communicate with the world wide. They could have better educations by using computer, and I think human can do with the Coumputer. Now is twenty one century, so people should able to use computer.

TCHO said...

Although I agree with all of you, I think there will be a minor problem regarding to the sale of this $100 laptop. Compared to the current computer technology, this $100 laptop would be considered as an obsolete technology. People in nowdays prefer computers that are efficient in processing, portable, and newest. But this $100 laptop would only have simple programs as related to $100. Also to me, computer doesn't mean too much if there wasn't any internet connection. If they were to donate computers to the developing countries, it would be also a better idea to make an internet connection that would allow better enjoyment for the children in developing countries.